Wednesday. All semester I have wished that I was taking my Sociology 101 class from Asbury rather than Ole Miss; I think this class is so interesting and would love to have it from a Christian perspective. But Wednesday, for the first time, I was glad that I had it from a secular, perhaps even anti-Christian, perspective. We were, ironically enough, discussing religion, and it was somewhat of a wake-up call. Not a wake-up call in the sense that I was worried about having my faith challenged by people who think Christianity is a sham and the Bible can't be true...after almost two and a half years at Ole Miss, been there done that. But it was a wake-up call in the sense that my eyes were opened to why so many of these people are so turned off by Christianity. It was so obvious in their eyes; they aren't turned off by what Jesus actually said or did. They are turned off by how so many people who claim to be Christians are living their lives on a day-to-day basis. Sad, but I see their point. Those of us who believe have got to start living the Gospel and living it out loud. Halfhearted words and actions never changed anything; we must allow our lives to be radically transformed if we are ever going to make a difference in this world for Christ's sake. More on this later, but I had to go ahead and get through some of those thoughts before moving on to the rest of the week.
Thursday. Hello, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part one) midnight premiere. We - John, Taylor, Louis, BJ, Jeff, and I - were those kids, in costume, being ridiculous. The boys dressed up in Gryffindor Quidditch gear and threw together an impromptu Snitch costume for me. They may have even chased me around the theater on their broomsticks while waiting for the movie to start...true story. Best of all, the movie was brilliant; it had the perfect level of intensity without being too dark. I cannot wait for part two in July. Here's all of us in our celebratory get-up. This may be my favorite picture of the semester.
Friday/Saturday. Mom, Dad, and Wil Kelly picked me up in Oxford and took me to Wilmore. I love the new house, I really do. I forgot how purely beautiful Kentucky is. I'll post pictures of everything soon, but, for now, I am enjoying exploring and spending time with my really awesome family and some really excellent friends. Having an entire week off is so refreshing; I'm excited to see everything that goes down over the course of these next few days. Let the Thanksgiving celebrations begin!