Tuesday, May 1, 2012

goodbye thesis + quote(s) of the day

Reason #328971 my brothers and sisters are champions: they rocked my thesis defense this afternoon.  Seriously.  It had very little to do with me.  They made everything so much smoother and stress-free than I could possibly imagine.  I knew a few friends would come, but I had no idea they all would.  The looks on my 3 readers’ faces when they showed up to a totally filled room was pretty priceless.  (As was our collective reaction when a random but super sweet stranger rolled up in the room singing the “Let the Lower Lights Be Burning” hymn…story for another time.)  But truly, the support I have from these people consistently blows my mind.  Hours later and my heart is still so full.  I kind of don’t know how to handle it. 

On top of the joy I have from finishing my thesis and doing it with the people I love, this conversation that took place afterwards still has me laughing.  Make that reason #328972…

David: “Look at our cult friends.” 
Emily: “Yeah, don’t forget to wear the shirt tomorrow!”
David: “Wait, what?”
Emily: “Tomorrow, we’re all matching…”
David: (confused looks)
Me: “This is the problem!  You actually think us all wearing a matching shirt is a legitimate possibility!”
 Mary Margaret: “Wait, we’re getting family reunion t-shirts?  YESSS!”

Ohhh the joys of brother/sisterhood.  Headed to sleep tonight with sweet dreams of love and friendship family and the fact that the thesis weight (which was heavier than I thought it was) has been lifted from my shoulders.  Sweet dreams to you too, and happy May 1.  I have a good feeling...while seemingly impossible, May is going to be a good month, somehow.

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