Friday, September 10, 2010

preach pray or die

Always be ready to preach, pray, or die - I believe that's Ron Smith's favorite tag line. He holds you to it, too. It's somewhat of a joke, among my friends and family who hear it said over and over again. But really, it's best to always be ready. For example...

Sunday morning I wasn't quite ready, but I still found myself behind the pulpit at Wesley Chapel sharing a testimony on about seven minutes' notice. Such is the life of a preacher's kid. (In fairness to Dad, he did try and give me a heads up the night before; I just thought he was kidding...obviously not). It was more scattered than I would have liked it to be, but it wasn't impossible. Actually, it reminded me that I probably needed to be on more on my game than I was, excited to share a reason for the hope that I have.

All this to say - preach, pray, or die. Be ready. You could be next. (Especially if you're hanging around 787 East Northside Drive.)

In other news, I have officially dropped to 12 hours. Spanish 322 was too much to handle this semester with everything that's going on. I really didn't want a break from Spanish because I love it so much, but I was seriously stressing about the GPA. This early on, that's a bad sign. I prefer to only stress about school when necessary, and the nagging feeling in my stomach I had every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at noon was a strong enough hint that it was time to head out. I can't decide whether I feel relieved or just lazy. I guess we'll see!

Last, but certainly not best friend/sister is engaged!! I knew it was coming but had no idea it would be this great. Morgan has been my best friend since I started school at MRA and Zack is just the best. I wouldn't let either of them be with anybody else. Here's pretty much the greatest picture I've ever seen, taken from Zack's Facebook. I'm obsessed.

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