Tuesday, October 26, 2010

el fin.

I had heard that seeing all of the new baby girls run down the hill to the big white house would be an incredible experience; that everything would suddenly be worth it; that the past ten months - and especially the past four days - would suddenly make sense.

I had no idea it could be THAT great.

I had no idea how excited I would feel when I stood with Emily to read out the names of our NINETY-FIVE new favorite girls.

I had no idea that I would grow this much.

I had no idea how supportive so many different people would be throughout this whole process; my friends, of course, were there for me, but people who I'm not even particularly close to helped in ways I would never have dreamed, and I could not have made it without ALL them.

I had no idea that God could be this faithful.

I didn't think we would ever make it to this picture, but here we are! And while I'm so glad it's finished, it was so, so worth it.

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