Wednesday, October 19, 2011

good bad decisions

- Sitting around a firepit until 1:30 AM on Friday night even though I can't stop coughing.

- Sitting around a firepit until 1:30 AM on Saturday night even though I can't stop coughing.

- Going to a 9:50 PM movie on Monday night even though I was leaving for Jackson at 6:50, Julie had a test at 7:30, Brady had PT at 5, Will had Sons of Thunder at 6:30, and Lacey had class at 8 the next morning, and even though I can't stop coughing.

- Waiting until 9:30 PM tonight to fill out my degree application, finalize my thesis prospectus, do tons of laundry, and clean the house before Laura and Cassie visit tomorrow.

Have you noticed that all of these things involve me not getting much sleep? I thankfully have been blessed with the gift of requiring little sleep to properly function, but, seriously, the cough has got to go. I know staying up all night every night is most likely not helping at all, but the fellowship is too good to pass up. And plus, my friends give great advice. Rest during the day, drink lots of fluids, and go to the movies at night. Blind leading the blind, or brilliant? Brilliant. (But, seriously, no worries, Mom - I got a different kind medicine at Kroger today and am feeling confident about its ability to get rid of this thing once and for all.)

Senior year is incredible, and I totally want it to last forever. But we're not going to go there right now. We're going to leave it at a pleasant reflection of the severe lack of sleep I've gotten the past few nights but a realization that the name of the game is spontaneity, and that all of this has been beyond a shadow of a doubt worth it.

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