Friday, December 23, 2011

on, on, U of K

Mom and Laura had 2 free tickets to the UK game yesterday, so Dad and I decided to head downtown and see what we could come up with. Lucky for us we found $10 parking and a pair of face-value, lower-level tickets right away! It was a perfect Christmas adventure afternoon.

Every basketball game everywhere should start with fireworks and streamers for the starting line-up, don't you think?

There's no place like home - especially when that home is Rupp Arena!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

every story whispers His name

Let me introduce you to the Jesus Storybook Bible if you have not already encountered it. A million thanks to my roommate Katherine for getting all of my friends hooked. This is a children's Bible. But even if you are not a child/do not have any children running around the house, you should see this anyway. Trust me.

Confession: I have yet to read the entire thing. But I've been reading the Christmas story, and it's amazing. Here are some glimpses...
Wait. God was sending a baby to rescue the world?
"But it's too wonderful!" Mary said and felt her heart beating hard. "How can it be true?"
"Is anything too wonderful for God?" Gabriel asked.
So Mary trusted God more than what her eyes could see. And she believed. "I am God's servant," she said. "Whatever God says, I will do."
[The Nativity, from Luke 1-2]

This baby would be like that bright star shining in the sky that night. A Light to light up the whole world. Chasing away darkness. Helping people to see.
And the darker the night got, the brighter the star would shine...
[The Story of the Shepherds, from Luke 2]

The language is just so beautiful, it's been giving us all kinds of new perspectives lately. And of course the pictures are amazing, too. Needless to say, check this out. For any small children in your life and then also just for you!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

the Christmas story

I hope you enjoy this as much as me and my friends. I will be dressing my kids up and having them do this. Although I'm not sure it will be quite as great without the New Zealand accents.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Wasn't expecting to wake up to this...

Just a little Christmas happiness in the midst of finals week. Life is so good.

Why is it...

...that technology beckons more during finals week than during any other week of the year?

...that I find it easy to study everything except for the very class I should be studying the most?

...that senioritis is real, and shuts you down so much more than you would think?

...that the weather during exams always matches the mood? (Freezing and misting, of course.)

...that the more we have to do, the more my friends and I crave time together?

...that we have to graduate and cannot simply stay in college, together, forever, for the rest of our lives?

FOUR days until the beach. I really, really wish that the end of this week didn't mean being separated from all of my friends for so long, but at the same time I am quite ready to be finished with classes for a while. I am trying to stay on top of things, but I have 0 motivation. Which is why I'm writing this right now instead of studying Contracts Law or researching the Holiness Movement during the Modern Period. Obviously.

Are you studying right now too? Should you be studying now? (That's probably the better question.) Get back to the books and I will too. But first...celebrate the season with Sufjan Stevens Songs for Christmas! All day, every day. Here's a jumpstart.

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