Sunday, August 26, 2012

the blog lives/don't freak out

Just ignore all of that last post stuff about "ahh-what-is-happening-to-my-life-the-blog-might-get-abandoned-forever?!?!" etc.

One week down, and to say that law school is intense is a severe understatement.  Surely only crazy people sign up for this.  But while it is true that this past week was up there with one of the hardest of my life, I love it.  Really, truly.  It is going to be very hard, but very, very good.

I can already tell that one of the biggest difficulties is going to be finding a way to not let the overwhelming amount of work take over our lives.  Professors have warned us against it, and the first week proved that their concerns are legitimate.  People get lost in the madness that is 620 Limestone.  But I am determined too not let that happen to me.

In case you haven't realized by now, I am a really low-stress person.  I am spontaneous and flexible and for some reason have been blessed with the ability to juggle multiple things at once without getting stressed out.  I have already had several people ask me this week how I have been able to remain so calm.  My answer in a nutshell?  "Just don't freak out."

This is the goal for the semester.  The next 3 years, really, but we'll take it a semester at a time.  Don't freak out.  Breathe easy, study well, but rest well too.  Keep doing things that I love - things that got me here in the first place.

For me, this means that I will sit outside in the mornings with a cup of tea as many days as I possibly can.  I will lose myself in Trader Joe's and read Matador and continue to say hello to everyone I pass on my daily walk to class, even though no one here ever says hello back.  I will make pointless lists in my Moleskines and waste time in coffeeshops and Twitter-stalk Olympic athletes and the UK basketball team.  I will keep rambling on the blog, even though no one really cares.  I will never stop being spontaneous.  (Let's face it, even if I tried to be 110% responsible every single second, I couldn't make it if I tried.)

All of that said, the blog lives, though maybe a teensy bit less than before.  If you need me, well, I'll probably still be with all the other 1Ls in the library.  But I'll be busy not freaking out.  Come and find me. :)


  1. You will be great! One of my teachers said to think about school like a stool. All the legs represent something different- like sleep, personal time, study, eating (seriously...don't forget!), etc. If you don't have equal amounts of all things- you're going to fall off the stool! You've got it down. I needed to read "just don't freak out"!
    Cheers to you and L1. You will make an awesome attorney one day.

  2. Good luck with everything! Glad it's all going well :)


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